Wednesday, November 15, 2006

memorable Fabrengen

So... Last night we were supposed to have this guy fabreng with us but last minute he cancelled we find out one of our teachers is coming to fabreng,and I personaly do not like him.
moving on were sitting at ourweekly fabrengen and the Rabbi walks in and the usual were all Talking and making as if he wasn't there...
He speaks up and says
"Girls what is a fabrengen?"
a girl replies .... "Its when you open up" and girls just gave the regular answers. Anyway so he goes on and asks a question... Does anyone want to be by yechidus with the Rebbe? So some said yes I wish... Others said no I would be so scared ....
then he goes on and starts saying how we have to be real.. we have to be hoest with ourselves... we have to face the truth!He asked us when the last time we were truthfull to ourselves...?
anyway we have a long discution and he stops and says "girls do you want to sing?" so were like no we just want to continue. So he said girls do me a favor im gonna leave the room and ur gonna sing a niggun and ur gonna sing this niggun till you feel like ur in a certain place and u feel like ur there, and you facing yourselves....

Ayayayayaya.... The niggun goes on and it starts of with 2 people singing, then 3 ... eventualy it was most of us and its getting louder and louder and higher and higher...
I close my eyes and think so hard , I picture myself in a forest standing alone in the rain ... And its pouring and I'm singing this niggun lower and then I start singing it louder and im just standing in one place and i'm not going anywhere... im not moving. As I start singing the niggun louder I start walking faster and faster and eventualy I'm running... I bound to find myself in front of 770 waiting to be the next one in line and the door knob is turning and my heart stops....