Saturday, May 13, 2006

well well, shabos was ummm.... nice to begin with and i ended getting cursed out by my relatives ever feel like ur not wanted ? dont u hate when people bring up like stuff that happend in the past ? wtvr... thats how my shabos was pretty emotional but anyway hope is all is well for all and i guess ill write soon im so tireddd now!!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006


someone once told me this i thought it was really intresting! let me know wat u think!
when G-d throws you the ball, catch it and throw it back to him!

when Hashem sends things our way, especially when they are tough things, the productive way to handle it is to "catch the ball", meaning, acknowledge that there is something to deal with and recognize that its from Him, afterwards "we throw it back to Him", meaning ask Hashem to help you deal with it since He's the one that caused it "He threw the ball"

Monday, May 01, 2006

umm...tipicle night

ok well i had a very intresting night... quite all hashgocha protis really freaky stuff happend! too long to write! but why is all this bad stuff happening? muggings, and shooting.. and ppl falling ...ppl dying... ?? i was speaking to someone toinght and asking them wat is happening in this world ? so they were telling me how everyone no a days are fighting and there is so much hatred and jelousy and thats why so many things are happening... and people dont realize how bad its getting.. i think everyone should wake up and smell the coffee ! anyway im going to bed ! have a great week! and well talk soon!