Thursday, August 24, 2006

special child

It was an ordinary day and I was doing my usual Sitting online at the computor. I was speaking to a friend and she asked me if i was intrested in joining her for a very rewarding and accomplishing week at the friedship circle camp... So I said of course! I'd love to!
The last time I did FC I was in 9th grade and the year after that I left to New York and I never had a chance to do FC again.
I was kind of nervous coming back to the FC being that I hadn't worked with special needs children in 3 years...
well anyway I went Monday morning... As I walked in I was greeted by the person who is in charge with a huge smile! "I'm so happy you could make it we really missed you here" I told her it was my pleasure"...
Then I saw a special child and I looked at her and she looked at me ... And all of a sudden she ran to hug me! A tear rolled down my cheek , I was in shock! This special child remembered me from 3 years ago? I gave her a hug and smiled from ear to ear!
Now let me tell you ...These kids are some special kind of people that were put down in this world for a reason. We may not know exacly why they are the way they are and yes, I'm sure, it's hard to accept something like this in life...But they are the happiest kids ever. I asked Lindsey (one of the special children) "Lindsey what was the best thing that happend to you this summer.. she said "I got a boyfriend! so I smiled and said now something even better is going to happen, We are going to have the most amzaing day today! And she said yayyy I can't wait!
A mother told me on monday... "One side of my face is glowing-I have a huge smile on it, and on the other side of my face I have a tear strolling down...So she went on to say .. The tear because unfortunately my child is handicapped and a smile because you people are here for him and giving him a great time!...


Anonymous said...

Really lovely!
keep on posting!
luv me

Anonymous said...

THAT was beautiful! no joke! i was gonna work as friendship circle but it was on sundays when i have to drive back to school.. but yeah that is real special. love you

Anonymous said...

nice one! im sure they were so happy to have you back... i guess we missed each other - b/c i volunteered tues. & thurs... hope ur feeling better!!! c u soon

Anonymous said...

esther sounds like an amazing experience... good for you.
miss you and have a wonderful shabbos its practically in down here. love chana

Anonymous said...

not only is my friend beautiful, intelligent and a winner( ;-) hehe), shes an amazing person also!
luv ya and see u soon!
coz im leavin on a jet plane!!

Anonymous said...

Worth it for you and for all the kids on the program!!! Good Job! Keep up the D'ing.. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hey Esther,
Great Blog!! I love having gr8 things to read!! Have a gr8 week!