Thursday, August 10, 2006

how much longer?

Dear G-D

I write to you because I realized You are my last hope and I have no one else to turn to. These past few weeks, the world seemed like it was coming to an end. It’s been tough for many people. Unfortunately, You took away loved ones and people suffered. What has this world come to? People just don’t know what to do or where to turn....The situation in the world and in Israel alone is just getting worse and worse each day ... dozens are dying, hundreds are wounded. Babies are being killed, just innocent little kids! What did they do to deserve to die? Why them? Why anyone? I know you’re the only One who can answer my questions....and I don’t know if u will... but let me tell YOU, WE are all fed up in this world we really are! We try doing so much. We encourage people to do good and see good in everything ...We see the Israeli soldiers putting on teffilin everyday and trying to save Israel. They’re just trying to do the right thing.....Why do we have to keep fighting in this world? when is this gonna end?

I'M just one little person in your big world and I know I’m here for a reason.
Although im still not quite sure what my purpose is, I know that if I look and work hard enough, i will find out sure enough."
But for now, I'm doing my best, hoping to make u happy and living one day at a time...


Anonymous said...

Dear Esther,
I'm gonna Bring Moshiach one day really soon.. just hang in there. Then you'll understand it all.

Anonymous said...

Dear G-d,

your'e really running late. its been quite a while, time to get a move on. i know your having fun chilling with the angels but we're kind of suffering down here - so please hurry up!

thank you,
a faithful servant

Anonymous said...

Dear Faithfull servant,
I am waiting ... I am waiting for all of of YOU,to do what needs to be done in this world,and then i can send hurry up and do another mitzva and tip the scale!

Anonymous said...

est..this one REALLY was beautiful. (not that the others werent) i just like this one the best.

Pimplesoflife said...

thanks gitty!! ... : )

Anonymous said...

shaina are u by any chance G-d

own up

Anonymous said...

gitts so glad u took the time to read a post - finally. BTW waiting for a call from u - 614 25 829 738
haven't spoken to u in a while!! miss u,....

Pimplesoflife said...

faithful servant? who are you? i thought you were sheina...??

Anonymous said...

As you said, we just have to live one day at a time and then use each day to bring moshiach...

Pimplesoflife said...

sonia .... i know its just hard to actualy do it if u know wat i mean!? right?
k love u

Anonymous said...

hmmmm esther guess again..
its your fav friend so far away

Anonymous said...

How wierd to say this.. i've been waiting all my life for someone to ask me if I'm G-d.. And I can't believe i'm gonna say this publicly but.. I AM G_D!.. lol.. this sounds sooo funny!

Anonymous said...

sheina i KNEW it was u. Gosh u are readable

luv ya

Pimplesoflife said...

and me ! lol she stole my role!!! were sharing!!
chana good to know its you!.. i thought it was sheina the whole time

Anonymous said...

guys..its time that i tell you my long kept secret..i'm the REAL God.

Anonymous said...

esther you read me this beutiful piece before u put it up, but i have not found time to read the posts. now that i do... im cracking up at you guys!!!!