Monday, May 01, 2006

umm...tipicle night

ok well i had a very intresting night... quite all hashgocha protis really freaky stuff happend! too long to write! but why is all this bad stuff happening? muggings, and shooting.. and ppl falling ...ppl dying... ?? i was speaking to someone toinght and asking them wat is happening in this world ? so they were telling me how everyone no a days are fighting and there is so much hatred and jelousy and thats why so many things are happening... and people dont realize how bad its getting.. i think everyone should wake up and smell the coffee ! anyway im going to bed ! have a great week! and well talk soon!


Anonymous said...

could u be my mashpia?? please? i really need u to help me...

Pimplesoflife said...

haha i dont breath! its not nice stop it now!

Anonymous said...

im not joking ;( im so sad coz i dunno what to do and i need someone to guide me...

Pimplesoflife said...

ummmm,.... U BET!!! LOL k snot nice! k? like this much ( ) not nice k?

Anonymous said...

maybe they joking... im not coz i dont joke like that... u so jewish and do so much and can really save the world. will u pretty please?

Pimplesoflife said...

oyy . k fine cuz the rebbe said!

Anonymous said...

whoever u r, just be her mashpia, cant u see she needs ur help? what ever happened to vahavta leraicha kamocha? tahsts why the world is like ths...

Anonymous said...

OMG! I quit!

Anonymous said...

seriously, e....., i really need you. my teacher was the one who recommended you.

Anonymous said...

yes, but we are defintily in moshiachs times..there is no other explanation to these crazy things tath are happening. this is the last test of faith for us...if thru all this bad we still belive....and b'h we do:)

Anonymous said...

do we really believe?

Anonymous said...

wow all of a sudden everyone is anonymous... i wonder who all these ppl are...? but ye do we really belive? and wat if we dont? how can we?

Anonymous said...

well its hard..and i can't say we all are believers, but one thing that can definitly help strenghten our belief is learning what the rebbe says on Moshiach-there are many intresting books in english, and it just helps to read them-helps us to really feel that he will come one day. thats my opionion at least.