Tuesday, April 25, 2006


why do bad things happen to good people... last time i asked that question the person made me forget my question and got in to another topic and sortov never got my answer...
and that question still remains!... the guy is sick in the hospital his wife is an amazaing lady his kids do everytihng possible to help someone.. and theire father is very sick in the hospital.. i know all i can do is pray.. but why him? or why any nice person who only tries to do good get punished? when other ppl who are bad get all rewards in the world... wtvr this was really bothering when i heard about my friends father... ..anyway.. thats wats on my mind...! ttys


Anonymous said...

Although we don't know it, everthing hashem does is for a reason. like the story of eliyahu hanavi and the man he took along with him on the road and saw all these bad things happening to good people, but then eliyahu reaveled to him all the reasons behind it. So although its hard for us to understand, sometimes we just have to have faith in hashem that he knows whats for the best. I know this sounds hard, and it is hard, it sometimes seems like the best, most giving people are sick the most and end up having the most hardships. But as lubavitcher chassidim, and jews in general we just have to sometimes have kabalos ol.

Anonymous said...

eliyahu revealed to him all the reasons...? so why cant g-d?

Anonymous said...

cuz we are not on the level of that chossid unfortanatly:( we just have to belive

Anonymous said...

the one question that was forgotten, was "What does 'why' mean?

Pimplesoflife said...

wat does y mean??

Anonymous said...

oh come on! you're supposed to answer that!

Pimplesoflife said...

well im not inthe mood sorry

Anonymous said...


Pimplesoflife said...

ye i wish right now that the reciever would feel everytihng ifelt tonight!

Anonymous said...

he did - and much much more! could you imagine him watching his father kill a baby?!

Pimplesoflife said...

ahh idont want to think too much about it.. ive been thiking about it alote tonight..

Anonymous said...

i thought about for months afterwards. i want to re-read the book.
ps did you ever read the wave?

Pimplesoflife said...

its amazaing how wat my original post was how it led to something else.. well i went to the library but they didnt have the wave i got some other intresting stuff... anyway good shabos

Anonymous said...

The wave was also made into a movie

Anonymous said...

yeah, i wanted to see it... but i'm telling you the book is amazing - easy reading and really freaky! especially since it just starts out as an innonect classroom game/experiment that the students took seriously. it's retarted. so logical. so possible. and then the next day we forget how lucky we are to be alive.

Anonymous said...

Freaky, yet how true

Pimplesoflife said...

i really want to read it but they dont have it anyhwere.. im gonna try and get it

Anonymous said...

i think mrs. laine has it

Pimplesoflife said...

ewwww ur so mean to me! i think id rather faint then go there! but thanks