Saturday, August 26, 2006

Cuz I'm leaving on a Jet plane....

Ok so wow .. I cant believe im leaving in a few days to The holy land!
I've never been there before, therefore I don't know what to expect? last time someone told me about Israel I just imagined it so amazing...

like ur walking down the streets
you see people on camel's ...
you see people riding horses ...
and there is music playing in the streets and
you see kids are dancing and smiling...
you see everyone in a circle dancing at the kotel friday night...
and my list went on and on....

But I don't think that's what its like now??
after hearing all the news that's been going on in Israel and all the war...Now all
you see is people being killed
you hear the bombs from your front portch
you see kids crying cuz there father just died in the war...
you see a baby with blood dripping down her face...
you see soldiers risking there lives for us everyday...
you see an Arab stabbing a knife in to someone's stomach...

It's painfull seeing and hearing all these things ....

I'm nervous... Am I ready to put myself out there?
I'm pertrified ...What if I hear the bombs?
I'm shaking... Why am I so ...
I'm scared...I'm scared of loosing my friends ...
I'm nervous...To come back home after I go...
I'm scared get of the plane and dont know where to go....
I'm shaking...What if i get sick? who will take care of me?

Why am I so scared?
imagine Me alone in Israel?
I mean I did it before ,when I left home for 2 years I went to new York all alone? so why am I so scared to go away again?
I mean Its not just a Bus ride home that everytime I get in to a bad mood I can just hop on the bus and I'm home in a few hours...
I mean I'll be missing a lot of action that's gonna be happening I"yh my 2 sisters will be having babies... It's my last cuzzins bar mitzva ill be missing... Do I want to miss all that to go to Israel?
I mean when will I ever have a chance to go to seminary again?

I know what im doing is right , right?

so am I ready to listen to all the rules?
am I ready to learn all day and sit in a desk?
am I ready to just listen to the teachers?
am I ready to be the best I can be?
am I ready to reach my goals?
am I ready to get inspired and let them inspire me?
am I ready to give it all I've got?
am I ready to change the world?

so now its all up to me .... It's in my hands....

I am ready to listen to the rules!
I am ready to leanrn all day and sit in a desk!
I am ready to listen to the teachers!
I am ready to be the best I can be!
I am ready to reach my final goals!
I am ready to get inspired and let them inspire me
I am ready to give it all I've got
I am ready to change the world

Sooo.... Basically I AM READY!

see you all in Jerusalem!!!! Have a great year... I hope to have some internet acces there ... and ill soon let u know wat my number is!!!
i'll miss u all soo much!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

special child

It was an ordinary day and I was doing my usual Sitting online at the computor. I was speaking to a friend and she asked me if i was intrested in joining her for a very rewarding and accomplishing week at the friedship circle camp... So I said of course! I'd love to!
The last time I did FC I was in 9th grade and the year after that I left to New York and I never had a chance to do FC again.
I was kind of nervous coming back to the FC being that I hadn't worked with special needs children in 3 years...
well anyway I went Monday morning... As I walked in I was greeted by the person who is in charge with a huge smile! "I'm so happy you could make it we really missed you here" I told her it was my pleasure"...
Then I saw a special child and I looked at her and she looked at me ... And all of a sudden she ran to hug me! A tear rolled down my cheek , I was in shock! This special child remembered me from 3 years ago? I gave her a hug and smiled from ear to ear!
Now let me tell you ...These kids are some special kind of people that were put down in this world for a reason. We may not know exacly why they are the way they are and yes, I'm sure, it's hard to accept something like this in life...But they are the happiest kids ever. I asked Lindsey (one of the special children) "Lindsey what was the best thing that happend to you this summer.. she said "I got a boyfriend! so I smiled and said now something even better is going to happen, We are going to have the most amzaing day today! And she said yayyy I can't wait!
A mother told me on monday... "One side of my face is glowing-I have a huge smile on it, and on the other side of my face I have a tear strolling down...So she went on to say .. The tear because unfortunately my child is handicapped and a smile because you people are here for him and giving him a great time!...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Life in the ocean...hold ur breath..!

"The ocean of life is conquerable....with a lifejacket"
I once had a dream. A father was teaching his only son about the ocean of life. In a gentle tone, he began: "My son, precious child. Together we stand at the threshold of on ocean. So serene the waters appear. Know, understand, there are undercurrent too strong to conquer on your own. The greatest gift I can give you, is a lifejacket. "My son, choose not for colors, but for quality. Take thought to tie the knot carefully. Once you do, my boy, the lifejacket will stay at your side forever. "The water is wet, there are stormy seas ahead. Alifejacket will not keep you dry. But, it will keep you afloat and support you always. "There are times when lifejackets tear. Patch them up my son, for they are too precious to discard. Look ahead, my boy. Enjoy life to its fullest. You will always survive if you have a lifejacket" With this piece of advice, the son went to greet the ocean of life, I woke and thought about the father's advice, I appreciated its truth.Life appears simple, as we begin. But there are hidden trials lurking about. Life is too difficult to conquer on your own. But with a friend...Choose not for outer appearance but for quality. Be thoughtful and giving to them as well. Once you do, your true friend will stay at your side foreverLife can cause tears. There can be rough times ahead. A friend wont miraculously turn your world pink, but it will help you cope. And support you always.There are times when even good friendships have their rough spots. Patch them for they are too precious to discard. Look ahead, enjoy life to its fullest. You will survive for the ocean of life is conquerable- once you have friendship

Thursday, August 10, 2006

how much longer?

Dear G-D

I write to you because I realized You are my last hope and I have no one else to turn to. These past few weeks, the world seemed like it was coming to an end. It’s been tough for many people. Unfortunately, You took away loved ones and people suffered. What has this world come to? People just don’t know what to do or where to turn....The situation in the world and in Israel alone is just getting worse and worse each day ... dozens are dying, hundreds are wounded. Babies are being killed, just innocent little kids! What did they do to deserve to die? Why them? Why anyone? I know you’re the only One who can answer my questions....and I don’t know if u will... but let me tell YOU, WE are all fed up in this world we really are! We try doing so much. We encourage people to do good and see good in everything ...We see the Israeli soldiers putting on teffilin everyday and trying to save Israel. They’re just trying to do the right thing.....Why do we have to keep fighting in this world? when is this gonna end?

I'M just one little person in your big world and I know I’m here for a reason.
Although im still not quite sure what my purpose is, I know that if I look and work hard enough, i will find out sure enough."
But for now, I'm doing my best, hoping to make u happy and living one day at a time...

lifes choices


Some people sit – some people try
Some people laugh – some people cry
Some people will – some people won’t
Some people do – some people don’t.

Some people believe and develop a plan
Some people doubt – never think that they can
Some people face hurdles and give it their best
Some people back down when faced with a test
Some people complain of their miserable lot
Some people are thankful for all that they’ve got
And when it’s all over — when it comes to an end
Some people lose out and some people win.

We all have a choice — we all have a say
We are spectators in life or we get in and play
Whichever we choose — how we handle life’s game
The choices are ours — no one else is to blame.
ok well... Someone sent me this and i really liked it alot and think its totaly true! and speaks for itself...
people... tell me wat you think ?

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Its worth it!....

Reporting :

Yup, its there.. The dirt, the pain, the confusion, all that's going on today in Isreal and in the world and sometimes we let it all out.. On Him..

But guess what?

G-d doesn't need you to report on the dirt in His world. He is quite aware of its existence; He put it there and doesn't really care to hear about it.
He sent you here to search out the jewels hidden in the mud, clean them and polish them until they shine. And when you bring them to Him, the angels make a crown of them for Him, saying, "Look what Your children have made for You out of the mud!"

Basically its saying... That G-d put you on this world to do something and He doesn't need you to "report the dirt," meaning He put the dirt in this world for us to elevate it and make something good from it. He knows what He put in this world.. He doesn't need you to tell him .... So ur job is u have to find the dirt but now a days the dirt is not soo hidden and u have to take the dirt and elevate it make it shiny and jewels

Ya it seems really hard to do nowadays almost impossible but..nothing is impossible because we can do it... And that's our job and once we do it Hashem is gonna be soo happy and send moshiach
I know its hard for everyone .. It is really hard, its hard for me, its hard for you.. I know..I really know... But I also know that in the end its all worth it.
Stay strong ...No matter where you come from, no matter what your challenge is....
Remember one more thing: Instead of asking how life is treating you... Ask how ur treating life!!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Greater Reward!

A little girl won a strand of fake pearls in a spelling bee.When she returned home that day after school she carefully showed them to her father, her face shining with glee!...later that evening her father came to tuck her in to bed and say shema.
He asked her
"my daughter do you love me?"
to which she replied
"of course daddy!"
"would u give me anything he then asked"?
she nodded fervently
"may I have ur necklace of pearls"?
he asked...
she sighed
"I'll give u anything, take my dolls...My stickers..anythings besides those pearls"
slightly disappointed in his daughters reply he kissed her good night and left the room.
The same scenario we occur night after night until one evening he came to her room and asked
" Do you love me" ?
"Would you do anything for me"
again she nodded in response.
but before he had the chance to open his mouth she held out with her tiny fists with tears streaming from her eyes. Taking the pearls from her hand, a large smile spread over his face as he handed her a small velvet box. She looked at him curiously as she took it. She opened the lid and squealed in excitment. In her hands she now help a strand of real genuine pearls!
This is a lesson for us we are now in a world where we just need to try and do good, and we know its hard and there are so many challegens and experiences we go through everyday in our lives, but we know that in the end its worth it! there are so many things out there that are not good for us and we have temptations to do them but we know that once we conquer our Yetzer Horah and get over it by not doing it, And looking beyond all this because there's a greater thing out there!...that's what's gonna bring moshiach!
like the little girl who didn't want to give her father the pearls.. But in the end she gave it up because she knew she would get a greater reward..
So by us giving up all the things we know arent so good.. G-d will give us an even greater reward and that is Moshiach....
Love you chanale...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

WhAt'S LiFe aLl AbOut?

sOoO... Now that I told you how amazing BAISCHANA is ...
What's life all about?
we all want different things... But life isn't fair ...Some people try hard in life and don't succeed...Some people don't try at all and are given everything on a silver platter....So what's life all about?
Can u find happiness without living? NO!..Life is not all about YOU! A person who just thinks about themselves all day doesn't have a means doing something for others. Taking yourself out of the picture! Do something for someone else!
some people mistaken life and existence.. And don't know the difference between them... Life cant be hard...The worst your existence is the more life you need! Exist means fulfilling your needs but if having wat you need is existence than wat is life?
life is the reason that justifies existence, existence for a human is nasty its depressing... So now wats the purpose of life? life is the purpose! and the purpose of existence is what you need from life!
life is what you give, its wat your needed for.
the purpose of life is to serve not to have...
existence means to have and life means to serve!
"noone promised you a rose in the garden"
just do good...Do more...Keep doing... Till you have a purpose for life!
p.s. guys i miss you all... and remember one good deed can tip the scale!!!!
keep elevating the sparks!