Monday, March 27, 2006


Guess what .... ??? I'm accepted to seminary!!! wow.... yayyyyyy!!!! anyway ye who cares about seminary im accpted now we have to deal with the summer.... my mom wants me to go to florida to my sister!!anyway ye thats the update so.. wats up with u guys!??

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

What are you doing this summer?!?!

I really wonder wat people do in the summer? Camp? Day camp? Everyone does the same typical things why don't people do wat they want to do and stop copying wat other people in there grade are doing ! Like wat about just going to UKRAIN from 6 weeks and just sit and tour and have a blast by yourself pretty cool idea no? well I think I might go on the MF program if everything works out and then second month just hang out with some friends before seminary... if i get accpted! since THE GRASS IS GREENER AFTER ITS BEEN WATERED! lol
anyway i gotta run but lets hear wat your doing this summer? : )

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Where do MOTORCYCLES come from anyway??

"Eventhough I'm attracted to cars I will be okay" tap" tap"

okay okay I'll write something interesting...( I'll try) well purim was actually really nerdy I had a really bad time! I didn't do much I sat all day and did nothing....
Tomorrow were back to school for 2 days and then its shaboss thank g-d!!!

Next week and tomorrow are going to be really stressful days for everyone... ppl finding out whether their accepted to seminary or not ! I think ill stay home for that week...
soooo....?? wat do you people think about even going to seminary? Is it a waste of time? wat if ppl get rejected from all seminaries? Is it a sign from G-d that we shouldn't go??

well I guess if u tap away and say" eventhough I'll always be rejected no matter what I will be okay" and "eventhough I just got a huge PIMPLE I will be okay..."
but life is not all about taping is it? U just tap away and life is great?? ?? ?? I don't think so... Anyway just something to think about ....Ill keep u posted ! : )

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Got Ice Cream??

Yummm... guess if this is my favorite food!!! lol i crave for ice cream at any time of the day....

Ummmm...Since I cant put any pictures!...

Hello hello... How's everyone doing today.. Well I'm actual pretty good life's getting back to normal! I think I' liking it like this.... Well no more school till Thursday I'm thrilled I actual wanted to go home for purim .. But I couldn't miss school... WELL SINCE WHEN DO I CARE ABOUT SCHOOL?? Well since always I have enough absences and cannot afford another one ... But don't worry ill probably be skipping some more anyway guys just want to wish you all a happy purim and u should always be happy !! Smile : )

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

When did life get so hard?? : (

This week was a really hard week so far and its not over yet... I've been studying all week for a halacha gemmer.... Friends are mad at me for no darn reason.. Or maybe they do and just don't tell me why they are mad... Anyway
when did life get so hard? Or was it always this hard??

Thursday, March 02, 2006

STORY!! ....

Once, a distinguished rabbi complained to the Tzemach Tzedek that nobody cared for his opinion and that his colleagues stepped all over him.
The Tzemach Tzedek replied, “Who told you to spread yourself around so much that wherever anybody steps they must step on you?”

Bringing Heaven Down to Earth

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

By the time I'll be Thin FAT will be in!

Ever wonder why some people are fat and some people are skinny?
some skinny people eat all day and never gain a pound... While on the other hand fat people are on diets everyday of their lives and manage to gain triple the amount of wait? Life's not fair!!!
remember in the olden days fat was in and it meant you were rich and had money to eat and the skinny people were poor and had no food or money...

and now the style is to look like a skeleton!
ahhhh this world is so crazy.... : )